Here you can find current facts about Bauberatung Brandschutz Fakesch GmbH.
Also, a listing of qualifications and introduction of management.
When safety comes first, when people, architecture and technology are involved, it takes more than pure expertise. When it comes to fire protection, you should trust a partner who combines experience and expertise with common sense.
Bauberatung Brandschutz Fakesch accompanies you from the feasibility analysis to the planning and continuous object supervision, from smaller residential buildings to large-scale projects. We know the laws and regulations, and we have the technical know-how and contacts in all important areas. At the same time, we always keep a firm eye on the costs. We create individual fire protection concepts and find the best solution for you in each case. Thus, we offer you the highest possible protection. You can rely on that.
Quality is based on training, experience and continuous development.
Based on a degree in engineering (civil engineering, architecture or safety engineers) of all employees, regular external and internal trainings ensure a consulting and support of our customers that is oriented towards the constant change of legal and technical framework conditions.
For the continuous improvement of our work, we provide new information to the entire team, face constructive criticism and realize change processes.
The trust of our customers, whether building owners or specialized companies, encourages us in this path.
Test experts for fire protection
Depending on the federal state, certain inspection tasks are assigned to private experts. Within the building permit procedure, testing experts take over the testing of externally prepared fire protection concepts, monitor the construction work and certify compliance with the official requirements.
Experts for fire protection construction and object supervision
Our expert for fire protection construction and object monitoring advises building owners and executing specialists from the construction phase to the commissioning of a building. Execution errors in the implementation of the fire protection concept are identified, and adequate solutions are developed. The acceptance tests of the technical fire protection systems and relevant components are coordinated and documented.
Specialist planner for preventive fire protection
The work of the specialist planner for preventive fire protection focuses on the development of coherent fire protection concepts and technical fire protection verifications. Thanks to his special expertise and experience, he develops a comprehensive and object-specific overall concept in coordination with building owners and authorities.
Specialist planner for fire protection in buildings
The interdisciplinary planning as well as the sensible combination of structural and technical fire protection measures within the framework of a fire protection concept or fire protection proof are, among other things, the tasks of the specialist planner for technical fire protection in buildings.

Rainer Fakesch Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Fire Protection Test Expert
Expert for fire protection construction and object supervision
T +49 (0) 62 51 / 55 06 520
M +49 (0) 1 71 / 4 25 18 02